Life in the Lab.
Lab work and activities beyond.
240809 Aylin's Poster Presentation
240805 Kofi's Farewell at K1 Racing!
240805 Kofi's Farewell Lunch
240701 Paper Submitted!
240625 Farewell Scott!
240625 Group Meeting
240502 Sharaf Lab
240228 Application Submitted !
240216 Marc received BioX award!
240123 Cactus Garden
2023 Sharaf Barnes Holiday Party
2023 Sharaf Barnes Holiday Party
2023 Rock Party!
231218 2023 Rock Party!
231208 Jasmine’s Presentation
231023 Welcome Sara!
2023 Bay Area CryoEM Meeting
230828 Day in the Lab
230816 Golf!
230814 Community college outreach program
230520 Stanford Biology department retreat
230520 Stanford Biology department retreat
230525 REACH symposium
230420 Welcome Claire and Steven
221028 SACNAS in Puerto Rico
220927 September Birthdays
220826 BSURP and Bio-X undergraduate research poster presentations
220826 BSURP and Bio-X undergraduate research poster presentations
220427 Negative stain
220427 Negative stain
220425: Lab T-shirt Day
220425: Lab T-Shirt Day
220208: ZY Media
220131: The plants before
211209: 1st Barraf Lab Holiday Party
211027: October Birthdays